Creating a forever home is a dream that encapsulates a lifetime of comfort, memories, and fulfilment. When crafting a space meant to withstand the test of time, every decision carries weight. From the location that anchors your dreams, to the design that reflects your essence, and the budget that aligns with your aspirations – each factor contributes to the tapestry of your forever home. 

And though every forever home vastly differs in its design and build, as a true reflection of their owner’s personalities and preferences, there are some common vital factors that every forever home owner must consider; factors that ultimately shape a home that’s not just for the present, but for generations to come:

1. Location

As with all things real estate related, location matters. In fact, it is one of the most critical aspects to consider when making your forever home. 

Some things to look out for when making this crucial decision include:

  • Convenience

Ideally, the property should be conveniently located close to all essentials and amenities. These include:

  • Supermarkets
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Parks
  • Public transport
  • Major roads and motorways
  • Shopping centres

Naturally, many of these considerations depend on your current and future priorities. For example, if you have young kids, then school catchment areas and proximity to parks play a big role in deciding on a location.

  • Lifestyle Compatibility

The location of your forever home should also align with your current and future lifestyle. Factors such as proximity to work, healthcare facilities, public transportation, and recreational spaces not only impact your day-to-day convenience, but also your quality of life. 

Similarly, think about your long-term needs and how the location accommodates them. Is the area suitable for your family’s evolving requirements? What are the proposed or planned developments in the area?

  • Community, Social Connections, and Security

The neighbourhood and community in which your home is situated play a significant role in your overall happiness. A sense of belonging and the availability of social activities and community support can greatly enhance the feeling of ‘home’.

Likewise, the safety of the neighbourhood is paramount, especially if you plan to raise a family or grow old in the same place. Research crime rates and the general feeling of safety in the area before committing to a location.

  • Cost of Living

Different locations come with different costs of living, including property taxes, utilities, and other expenses. Ensure that the location fits comfortably within your budget.

  • Emotional Connection

Consider the emotional connection you have with the location. Are you near friends and loved ones? Do you want your children to grow up around family? Does the place hold personal significance? Emotional ties to a place can make your forever home all the more loved and special.

Location is truly a fundamental consideration when buying your forever home because it affects various aspects of your life, both in the present and the future. While other factors like design, sustainability, and budget are crucial, the location sets the stage for the overall quality and satisfaction you’ll experience in your forever home.

2. Design


What are the different types of applications for planning permission

The design and floor plan of your forever home is crucial because they determine how well the space meets your needs, both now and in the future. 

Thoughtfully planned layouts, room sizes, architectural styles, and even adaptation to any special needs, ensure that your home isn’t just aesthetically pleasing; it’s functional, adaptable, and conducive to a high quality of life. 

Ideally, the design should seamlessly integrate with your daily routines while also embracing the potential for future transformations, so that you enjoy your space for many years to come.

Here are some of the things you should prioritise when designing your forever home:

  • Reflecting Your Lifestyle

The design and floor plan should align with your current and anticipated lifestyle. This means ensuring that the layout meets your family’s needs, now and in the future. Consider factors like the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and the overall flow of the living spaces.

  • Comfort and Functionality

Your forever home should be a place where you feel comfortable and at ease. A well-designed floor plan can maximise functionality, making daily life more convenient. Thoughtful design ensures that spaces are easy to use and that they serve their intended purposes efficiently.

  • Future-Proofing

The design should have the flexibility to accommodate changes in your life. As your family grows, you may need additional bedrooms or living spaces. Conversely, if your family size shrinks, with family members moving out, having adaptable spaces can prevent your home from feeling too large or empty.

  • Aesthetic Appeal

The aesthetics of your home are essential for your overall satisfaction. The design should reflect your personal style and preferences. It’s about creating an environment that you love and feel proud of, as you’ll be spending many years there.

  • Sustainability

Building your forever home is also an opportunity to contribute positively to the environment. Opt for sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, and designs that harness natural light and ventilation. Explore renewable energy sources such as solar panels or geothermal heating. 

These not only reduce your environmental footprint but also save you money on utility bills in the long run, making your forever home more affordable to maintain.

  • Ageing in Place

Your forever home should accommodate the journey of life. Consider features that support ageing in place – wider doorways, step-free access, and bathroom designs that allow for ease of use. While the present may not necessitate these adaptations, forward-thinking ensures your home remains your sanctuary, no matter the stage of life.

3. The Budget

Hire the right people!

No dialogue on forever homes can be completed without discussing the budget.

While your dreams may be boundless, your budget is a realistic parameter that shapes your forever home. A comfortable balance between your dreams and financial reality is crucial for enjoying your home without undue stress.

So, assess your finances, including construction costs, ongoing maintenance, and potential unforeseen expenses to devise a budget that is vital to ensuring:

  • Financial Security

Staying within budget helps ensure your financial security. Overspending on your home can lead to financial stress and may affect other aspects of your life, such as savings for retirement, education, or unexpected expenses.

  • Sustainability of Lifestyle

Your budget should be aligned with your long-term financial goals and lifestyle. A budget-conscious approach ensures that you can comfortably afford your home and continue to enjoy your preferred quality of life.

  • Maintenance and Upkeep

Homeownership comes with ongoing expenses, including maintenance, property taxes, insurance, and utility bills. Sticking to your budget ensures that you have the financial capacity to cover these costs without strain.

  • Emergency Funds

Maintaining a budget allows you to build and maintain an emergency fund. This fund provides a safety net for unexpected expenses, such as home repairs or medical emergencies, helping you avoid financial hardship and debt.

  • Future Planning

Budgeting for your forever home should also consider future needs, such as retirement or even home extensions. Ensuring that your home-related expenses are in line with your retirement income is essential for long-term financial stability.


It is not the same as a starter home or a rented property; building your forever home is a monumental task, laden with decisions that will shape your family’s life story. However, with location as the cornerstone, design as the blueprint, and budget as the compass, (and a little forethought, research, and expertise by your side), you’re poised to create a legacy of comfort and cherished memories.

Looking for inspiration to build your very own forever home? Check out our portfolio and stories here.

Contact us and begin your journey towards your forever home today!

Author: Amol

Amol is an architectural designer and has worked on hundreds of residential projects in London since 2008.Having done his M.Arch from the Glasgow School of Arts he gained valuable experience in London working in the construction industry managing high-end residential projects, before founding Good Design and Build in 2015.You will meet him for initial consultation and work closely with him during all stages of your project