While home renovations, remodels, and even new builds, have taken an almost imperceptible but distinctive move towards sustainability, there is still a long way to go before our homes reflect our ambitious aspirations of becoming truly sustainable and green. 

This may be because the idea of sustainable homes is still largely restricted to those structures that utilise energy-efficient systems and renewable resources; without considering the building materials used. 

However, we cannot overlook the fact that sustainable materials have a profound impact on the sustainability of our homes and the environment. And while clearly good for the environment, how exactly do these sustainable materials help make our homes better? Let’s break it down.

What is sustainability?

Sustainability refers to the concept of utilising resources in a way that does not deplete them, or make them unavailable for future generations. Sustainability also takes into account the impact we have and the role we play on the environment and the world around us.

How does sustainability relate to the construction industry?

Contrary to popular belief, sustainability is not restricted to the natural environment and its resources alone. But in fact, it is a continuous conversation that can be seen in almost every business and industry. 

The construction industry has long-since acknowledged this truth and adopted sustainable practices in many projects. These practices include: 

  • Decreased waste production
  • Reduced energy consumption
  • Protection of the environment around the building site

However, one of the most significant ways in which sustainability is achieved in construction is through the use of ‘green’ building materials that are the perfect blend of strength and style.

And with homeowners quickly becoming mindful of the incredible advantages of using sustainable materials, the journey towards the ultimate sustainable home just became a step closer.

What are the benefits of using sustainable materials in construction?

The benefits of using sustainable materials in construction are obvious and numerous. Here’s a quick list of some of the greatest advantages of using sustainable, environmentally-friendly materials in your home renovations:

  1. Durability 
    Sustainable materials are famously long-lasting and durable. They require minimal maintenance with virtually zero repair and replacement. In fact, their lifespan is such that they can be harvested and repurposed from disused buildings even after a structure’s useful life.Basically, they are in for the long haul.
  2. Eco-friendly
    While their recyclability itself makes them wonderfully environmentally-friendly, there are more ways by which these materials help protect the earth. For example:

    • Plant-based materials such as bamboo and hempcrete actually use carbon dioxide as a fuel to grow, resulting in a carbon positive building material
    • Bamboo is extremely fast-growing, making it one of the most sustainable of all timber-based materials
    • Most naturally-occurring materials are also readily available, and can be sustainably sourced.
    • Locally grown and sourced materials have a significantly lower carbon footprint due to the decreased mileage and associated transportation emissions
  3. Healthy
    By this we mean that sustainable materials are not just good for the wellbeing of the planet; but they are also beneficial to the health of your family.How? Because most sustainable materials are fully breathable. They allow the passage of water vapour through them, effectively reducing the occurrence of moisture and dampness within the walls of your home.Best of all? There is no off-gassing; thereby eliminating the fear of toxic chemicals polluting your home and causing a health hazard.
  4. Energy-efficient
    Sustainable materials reduce energy consumption at all levels. From their sourcing and production, to their shipping, and most of all, within your homes.A vast majority of sustainable materials are effective insulators, resulting in significantly lowered energy demands.Additionally, many green materials exhibit thermal mass. This means that these phase change materials have the specific ability to absorb and store heat energy (gained during the day), maintain a constant temperature, and release the latent heat at night. All of this results in an incredibly comfortable, heat-regulated home, that does not drain your heating system.
  5. Cost-effective
    Naturally, all of the above-mentioned factors point to sustainable materials being extremely cost-effective and easy on the wallet. Their long life-spans, availability, and energy-saving qualities make them a smart investment that saves you money now; and in the long run.
  6. Uniquely stylish
    Featuring a unique and undeniable finish, sustainable materials lend homes a truly special aesthetic that is both beautiful and striking. From natural stone walls, to engineered timber floors, green materials give style, flair, elegance, and ultimate comfort to your homes.


With an ever-evolving and environmentally-conscious mindset, of homeowners and industry experts alike, comes the understanding that we must do more in order to design and create the ideal homes that offer stability, style, and sustainability. And this is exactly what sustainable materials do. 

They not only drastically reduce our environmental impact and carbon footprint in every stage of the process, from their production and transportation, to their installation and use; but they also provide homeowners with long-lasting, beautiful homes full of value and character. 

At Good Design and Build we pride ourselves in offering you a complete solution, from design to build. See our recently completed projects, get inspired, and start your dream home journey with us today!

Author: Amol

Amol is an architectural designer and has worked on hundreds of residential projects in London since 2008.Having done his M.Arch from the Glasgow School of Arts he gained valuable experience in London working in the construction industry managing high-end residential projects, before founding Good Design and Build in 2015.You will meet him for initial consultation and work closely with him during all stages of your project