We have all been there. The temptation of tackling a home build project on our own and the allure of adding architect/ builder/ professional DIYer on our resume. After all, how hard can it actually be?

Very hard.

Considering that a home build is one of the most important projects you can undertake, and brings with it a myriad of issues and concerns that will ultimately affect the quality of your home, why not hire the best? 

In fact, hiring an architect who can guide you through this process and tackle any and all of the issues that arise, may be the best investment that you can make on your home.

The benefits and, perhaps more importantly, the value that an architect can bring to your home cannot be adequately defined. However, some of the incredible benefits that only an architect can provide for your home build are listed below: 

1. Experience


There is no denying that the experience and expertise of an architect lends itself immeasurably to the success of a home build project. This is because their field of experience encompasses a wide range of areas from the beginning to the end of the build. These include:

  • Site selection and analysis 
  • Selecting the best style of build based on the size and shape of the plot
  • Placement of doors and windows to optimise natural light while minimising the effects of climatic changes
  • Designing an interior layout that maximises style, efficiency, and functionality
  • Coordinating with the local council and securing the requisite approvals including planning permission, building regulations approval, and party wall agreements
  • Overseeing the construction to ensure compliance with building codes and standards

And so much more!

2. Knowledge and know-how

Knowledge and know-how

There is a good reason architects go through years of study and rigorous training; they build our homes! 

And with this training, comes the vast architectural and technical knowledge that plays dividends when it is time to build a beautiful and structurally sound home. 

But what exactly does this mean? Having an architect on your team allows you to visualise your home in a practically scaled way that takes into consideration space requirements along with building regulations.

Similarly, selecting the most appropriate materials and advanced building techniques, that maximise efficiency and minimise cost, helps you have better control of your build project.

An architect also considers future maintenance and energy costs. Designing a smart and energy-efficient home means you are reducing the cost of future utility bills while creating a more sustainable home for your family.

Most importantly, an architect helps you to avoid the many mistakes and mishaps that may otherwise occur during your home build.

3. Creative thinking

Creative thinking

While you may have an idea about what you want your home to look like, to actually bring that vision to fruition requires an experienced eye, creative thinking, and exceptional spatial skills.

Some of the ways in which an architect can help you in organising the interior of your home are:

  • Selecting the best materials for your home – 

From your door frames and windows, to the flooring, and countertops; the materials should not just be aesthetically pleasing, but also functionally appropriate.

  • Making sense of the space and land – 

Designing the space to create an efficient and practical layout that allows enough room to accommodate your specific needs and lifestyle.

  • Creating a personal style –

Contrary to popular belief, the best way to add your personal touch may be through the professionals. From innovative solutions regarding storage or even access, to optimising the space to increase ventilation and natural light, architects are able to offer creative solutions to common problems, all while designing a beautiful, customised space.

4. Accountability


Hiring the experts means that you have a specific plan. The design and build of your home are not haphazard and chaotic. In fact, this organisation also allows for a more well-thought out time line and budget. 

Not just that. But any changes or diversions that occur later on, are easier to adapt to and incorporate, and far less expensive.

An architect has a clear idea about the availability and cost of different materials, as well as that of the various specialists. 

Also, since the architect you hire will also oversee the progress of the build, coordinate with the vendors, builders, engineers, and contractors, and help with the project management, the home build project is far more likely to run according to schedule with fewer delays and interruptions.

All of which translate to a better budget and time frame, which saves you time and money.

5. Peace of mind

Peace of mind

As overwhelming and stressful as a home build can be, hiring an architect is one decision that can make the process smoother and less demanding.

This is because a trusted and reputed architect allows you the freedom to enjoy the process. 

From council regulations and safety standards, to delivery of materials and completion of the build; everything is looked into and overseen.

Best of all? You are guaranteed a perfectly finished, beautiful home that is a true realisation of your vision. 


We have heard it all before. ‘An architect is not necessary, I can manage’ or ‘My budget is not big enough to hire an architect’, and so on. However, it is clear that these reasons no longer hold any sway. 

Architects bring a level of precision and perfection to your home build project that is otherwise difficult to achieve. And it is far easier and cheaper to hire an architect than to try and remedy the immense cost of errors made in the absence of their expertise. 

So, hire the architect, reap the benefits of their experience, and enjoy your flawlessly built dream home.

If you are looking to design and build your dream home, make haste and contact the incredible team at Good Design and Build today! 

We take immense pride in creating the best, bespoke homes, that are a true testament to our experience, expertise, passion and creativity.

Author: Amol

Amol is an architectural designer and has worked on hundreds of residential projects in London since 2008.Having done his M.Arch from the Glasgow School of Arts he gained valuable experience in London working in the construction industry managing high-end residential projects, before founding Good Design and Build in 2015.You will meet him for initial consultation and work closely with him during all stages of your project